The Guerrilla CIO

A few years back a term was coined – Guerrilla IT. The concept of ‘Guerrilla IT’ meant conceiving and delivering business-oriented products and services quickly and interactively. You don’t hear much about it or if many shops are employing guerrilla IT strategies. I am not sure why this fell out favor in the industry?

Being a Guerrilla CIO means you are focused on striking a balance between agility and innovation, reusing available resources and technology, to avoid unwieldy procurements and their associated risks. As the economy continues to sputter along and IT budgets are still tight, The Guerrilla CIO must allow the delivery of quick wins to the business which can make a real competitive difference in organizations.

All CIOs today are driven by a cost-reduction mantra; many of us have been focusing our organization on a set of core services and then optimizing them, either by strategic sourcing or by reengineering to make them as efficient as possible. Managing our IT project portfolio and helping the business improve processes and enable growth or efficiency through strategic use of IT has always and will always be a CIO’s main objective.